New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on risk perception, word-meaning representations, identity concealment and stigma, success and overconfidence, vigilance and attention, choice, integration of automated advice in decision, perception of 2D and 3D objects, and genetic factors involved in the judgments about casual sex and drug use.
Helping Students Cope with the Pressure to Succeed
Experts say that students from high achieving schools, who are privileged in terms of educational opportunities, are at greater risk of substance abuse, depression and anxiety than the national norm, because of an unrelenting, insidious
Stop Keeping Score
I am an inveterate scorekeeper. I can go back decades and find lists of goals I set for myself to gauge “success” by certain milestone birthdays. For example, in my 20s, I had a to-do list
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on procrastination and precrastination, reading, pronouns and cultural success, and ovulatory cycle and women’s preferences.
Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids
As anyone who has been called out for hypocrisy by a small child knows, kids are exquisitely attuned to gaps between what grown-ups say and what grown-ups do. If you survey American parents about what they
Women-Only Spaces Provide A Recipe For Success: Here Are The Ingredients
“You can’t be what you don’t see,” said Marian Wright Edelman, civil rights activist and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund. This quote speaks volumes to a question I often get asked as president of Barnard