Which Study Strategies Make the Grade?
A scientific review suggests that several popular study strategies are ineffective, while effective strategies are underused.
Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology
Read the Full Text (PDF, HTML) Some students seem to breeze through their school years, whereas others struggle, putting them at risk for getting lost in our educational system and not reaching their full potential.
College Costs: Would Tuition Discounts Get More Students to Major in Science?
TIME: How much money would it take to get an English major to switch to engineering? Would a $1,000 discount on tuition every year do the trick? What about $5,000? What if switching majors not
Psychological Science Gains Currency in the BrainBank
In 2011, APS Fellow Bruce Hood presented the Royal Institution of Great Britain Christmas Lectures. The Christmas Lectures, which have been held each year since 1825, are a series of talks on a single theme
Short-term Summer Fellowship for Teaching Neuroethics
Would you or a neuroscience colleague like to develop and teach a course on neuroethics at your institution? The University of Pennsylvania is ready to help, by offering Short-term Visiting Fellowships for Teaching Neuroethics. This
Identifying the Missing Pieces in the Study of Families
The study of families has largely focused on mothers and children despite assertions that more research on fathers is needed (Phares, 1992). One explanation is that mothers have traditionally performed the majority of care-giving duties