Playing Guitar Hero to Understand Statistics
One day in my statistics class, a fellow student asked, “Can we play Guitar Hero in class? I think we could use it to teach something in stats.” This pitch did not immediately sell Michelle
Navigating the Potential Pitfalls of Online Visibility
“What am I going to do with these gold lamé booty shorts?” When this booty-related status message popped up under a student’s name in my Gmail* chat window, I felt unintentionally voyeuristic. Gmail is a
New APSSC Board Members
Jeremy Ashton Houska President Jeremy Ashton Houska is a fifth-year doctoral student in experimental psychology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He conducts both basic and applied research in the areas of memory and
The Difficulties of Scientific Writing
As an undergraduate, I typically spent one week or less on writing assignments, regardless of how much time my instructor gave me. It was my natural ability — or so I thought at the time
In Search of Funding
It goes without saying that graduate school is a busy time for students. Research, training, and manuscript writing occupy many hours due to the emphasis that many programs place on producing original research. One activity
2009 Student Research Award Winners
Please join APSSC in congratulating the winners of this year’s research award competition, who will be speaking at the upcoming APS 21st Annual Convention in San Francisco. We would like to thank all of the