Put your stress on vacation
Los Angeles Times: Got stress? If you answered no, hooray for you! (And, by the way, what planet are you from?) But if you answered yes (like any normal member of the human race), you’re
Plan Your Way to Less Stress, More Happiness
TIME: A recent survey by psychologist and self-help author Robert Epstein found that 25% of our happiness hinges on how well we’re able to manage stress. The next logical question is, of course, how best
Researchers say math anxiety starts young
The Washington Post: Math problems make more than a few students — and even teachers — sweat, but new brain research is providing insights into the earliest causes of the anxiety so often associated with
Caregivers of mentally ill carry heavy burden
The Montreal Gazette: Having a brother with schizophrenia has defined Ellen’s life. When she’s not feeling guilty for having a normal life, she is using all of her time, energy and emotion to cope with
Ha valaki nem fél, pszichopata lesz?
HVG Hungary: A pszichopátia működésével kapcsolatos egyik feltevés szerint az állapot kialakulása egyfajta félelemhiánnyal függ össze. A Psychological Science folyóirat legújabb számában megjelenő tanulmány kimutatta, hogy a pszichopátia bizonyos kockázati tényezőjével bíró gyermekek nem ismerik
Colleges get high-tech with health screenings
MSNBC: Look around a waiting room at a university counseling center and you’ll see students wrestling with all sorts of issues: The one who’s failing because of binge drinking. Another who’s struggling with a roommate