Per ottenere sollievo dallo stress decidiamo di “pre-crastinare” (To get relief from stress we decide to “pre-crastinate”)
La Stampa: Ogni nuovo compito o lavoro che ci viene affidato è causa di stress. Quasi tutti ne siamo soggetti, perché sentiamo crescere un’ansia dentro che ci vorrebbe far liberare di questo il prima possibile.
Buffering the Impact of Maternal Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Neonatal Outcomes
Sophia E. Green, Emory University, presented her research on “Buffering the Impact of Maternal Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Neonatal Outcomes” at the 2014 APS Annual Convention in San Francisco. Green received a 2014 APSSC
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Orthographic Coding in Illiterates and Literates Jon Andoni Duñabeitia, Karla Orihuela, and Manuel Carreiras Does literacy shape the way letter strings are visually processed? Literate and illiterate
Can Stress Really Make Us Sick?
The Washington Post: It seems like a no-brainer that stress may make us more likely to succumb to viruses and other infections, but that’s a tough connection to make scientifically. For starters, it would not
Different Way to Treat Depression: Games
The Wall Street Journal After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder last September, Reva Wood struggled with chronic pain, and then anxiety stemming from chronic pain. To reduce her anxiety, she decided to try something
The Psychological Toll of the Smartphone
Psychological research confirms that smartphones are indeed creating a new kind of stress for people at home, at work, and in social settings.