Self-Critical Perfectionism Can Cause Students to Spiral into Depression
Students prone to self-doubt and fear of judgement may have increased sensitivity to stress.
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Self-Serving Memories: When the Good Outweighs the Bad By Cindi May and Michael Scullin; Is There a Bright Side to Stress? By C. Nathan DeWall.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on interpersonal distance and psychopathy, how suggestive feedback may worsen stress symptoms, emotion changes associated with depressive and borderline features, depression symptoms, and posttraumatic stress after a terrorist attack.
Here, There, But Not Everywhere
APS William James Fellow Lynn Nadel explores how the hippocampus gives memories context.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sampling of research on media exposure and collective trauma, perfectionism during the transition to university, and the effects of mindfulness tasks on women’s sexual response.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring memory and stress-induced cannabis craving, predicting suicidal thoughts and nonfatal attempts, the influence of stress on depression and substance use among same-sex couples, and heterogeneity of the anxiety-related attention bias.