Spoiler Alert
American Scientist: Movie critics might do their readers a favor by slipping more plot spoilers into their reviews. Far from wrecking a story, revealing a surprise ending makes fiction more enjoyable. Psychologists picked a dozen
Surprise: Spoilers Make Stories Better
Boston Globe: Reviewers of movies and novels must obey one prime directive: never, ever reveal what happens at the end (or, at the very least, preface the inside info with a warning: SPOILER ALERT!). Now
Av en bok blir du klok
Helsingborgs Dagblad: En mässa för böcker och bibliotek är förstås en god sak. Tycker vi. Men på vilka grunder? Föreställningen att läsning i allmänhet, och skönlitteratur i synnerhet, gör oss till bättre människor är närmast
Why that book changed your life
National Post: The claim that a book can change someone’s life is one that’s made over and over again. Usually, we brush it aside as a cliché, but what if it was actually possible? The
Spoilers: une brève réflexion
Le Nouvelliste: Sun is bad for you. Everything our parents said was good is bad. Sun, milk, red meat… college.» – Annie Hall Les spoilers c’est mal. C’est là une des idées reçues les plus
The Spoiler Paradox: How Knowing a Spoiler Makes a Story Better, Not Worse
Huffington Post: Storytelling is a universal human trait, spanning cultures, civilizations and time. We love a good story, and since we have been telling stories for thousands of years, we know what makes for a