Developing Electrophysiology Training Resources
With support from the APS Fund for Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science, Bukach set out to develop and test a sample event-related potential (ERP) course module complete with pedagogical slides, instructional videos, and sample data, with the larger goal of developing a full, hands-on ERP curriculum that would be especially beneficial to students at primarily undergraduate institutions.
How Can Students Better Apply Math Learning? New Studies Hold Answers
Education Week: Mathematics is the language of science, the foundation of engineering, the power switch for new technology—but students often struggle to transfer their understanding of math concepts to practical application in other STEM subjects.
Futurity: Students who physically experience scientific concepts understand them more deeply and score better on science tests, according to a new study. Brain scans showed that students who took a hands-on approach to learning had
Could It Be? Researchers Find A Hiring Bias That Favors Women
NPR: Think, for just a moment, about the last job you applied for. If you didn’t get the job (apologies), did you get an interview? If not, did you feel some hidden forces, beyond your
Getting Women Into Science-Filled Rooms
The Huffington Post: This post is also authored by Lori Holt. Why would three senior professors at Carnegie Mellon University, with responsibilities for research labs, teaching, families, and grand but old houses (this is Pittsburgh)
Women best men in STEM faculty hiring study
Science: A woman applying for a tenure-track faculty position in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) at a U.S. university is twice as likely to be hired as an equally qualified man, if both candidates