APS to Launch New Research Methods and Practices Journal
APS is seeking nominations for Founding Editor of a new journal that will serve as a home for new developments in research methodology and practices.
Improving Research Practices, From Beginning to End
A series of articles focused on improving research practices at various points of the process, from deciding how to optimize the design of a single study to conducting a comprehensive evaluation of an entire research topic.
Lindsay Talks Plans for Psychological Science
Psychological Science Editor in Chief D. Stephen Lindsay is promoting a variety of ways to solidify the scientific rigor in articles published in APS’s flagship journal. Lindsay was named Editor in Chief this past spring
What Is Preregistration, Anyway?
The Editors of Psychological Science have been encouraging research psychologists to preregister their research plans before they begin collecting data (or, at least, before they see their data). But what does preregistration actually entail? As
What Your Brain Looks Like When It Solves a Math Problem
The New York Times: Solving a hairy math problem might send a shudder of exultation along your spinal cord. But scientists have historically struggled to deconstruct the exact mental alchemy that occurs when the brain
Replication Project Investigates Self-Control as Limited Resource
A new research replication project, involving 24 labs and over 2100 participants, failed to reproduce findings from a previous study that suggested that self-control is a depletable resource.