Mind games of the victorious
Reuters: For decades after the first sports psychology lab was established in 1920 in Germany, mental coaches have been the water boys of sports science, viewed by their colleagues as not quite good enough to
Olympics: Mind games of the victorious
Otago Daily Times: For decades after the first sports psychology lab was established in 1920 in Germany, mental coaches have been the water boys of sports science, viewed by their colleagues as not quite good
Eurocopa 2012: El arte de ganar (o perder) una tanda de penaltis [Euro 2012: The art of winning (or losing) a penalty shoot-out]
ABC España: Dos hombres, un balón y una portería separados por once metros. No existe una línea tan fina en el mundo del deporte entre la gloria y el fracaso como la tanda de penaltis
The New Neuroscience of Choking
The New Yorker: Last Sunday, at the Memorial golf tournament in Dublin, Ohio, Rickie Fowler looked like the man to beat. He entered the tournament with momentum: Fowler had recently gained his first ever P.G.A.
Tromper son cerveau pour être meilleur au golf
Le Figaro: Des chercheurs américains en sciences cognitives ont découvert un étrange effet de perception qui peut être utile au golf. Il suffit d’imaginer que le trou sur le green est plus large qu’il ne
Can You Think Your Way To That Hole-In-One?
NPR: Psychologists at Purdue University have come up with an interesting twist on the old notion of the power of positive thinking. Call it the power of positive perception: They’ve shown that you may be