Tough Thanksgiving Traffic May Turn Some Drivers into Turkeys
Stressful holiday road conditions can lead to dangerous behavior behind the wheel, especially for drivers in a hurry. Visit Page
Does Punishing Speeders Prevent Speeding?
Speeding leads to more car accidents worldwide than almost any other behavior behind the wheel. The World Health Organization (WHO) has cited speeding as the main cause of nearly 30% of all serious or fatal Visit Page
Yellow Lights Pose Particular Peril for Older Drivers
As we age, our capabilities behind the wheel change, and one of the greatest driving dangers for senior drivers appears to be traffic intersections. Older drivers are far more likely than other drivers to get Visit Page
Cruise Control May Prevent Speeding, But Slow Reaction Times
As cars become increasingly automated, researchers are looking at who’s the better driver: the human or the car. Most cars and trucks now come equipped with cruise control–which allows a car to automatically maintain a Visit Page
Advance Warning for Light Changes Could Make Intersections Safer
A major survey by the car insurance industry found that nearly 85% of drivers could not identify the correct action to take when approaching a yellow traffic light at an intersection (and, no, the correct Visit Page
Cognitive Factors May Predict the Need for Speed
Driving over the speed limit is the most common violation drivers make and one of the biggest contributors to traffic crashes. Speeding is estimated to have contributed to 30% of all fatal automobile crashes in Visit Page