The Media as Research Collaborators
Traditionally, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) have been the leaders not only in interviewing psychological scientists as part of their news coverage, but also in actually collaborating with them
Storytelling From a Three-Legged Stool
Once upon a time, I watched Dacher Keltner on the BBC series The Human Face and Lera Boroditsky on the National Geographic series Brain Games. Both segments captured the very heart of psychological science in
Giving Psychological Science Away Online
APS is dedicated to giving psychological science away. Science writer Jason Goldman offers advice for sharing psychological science online. The most urgent problems of our world today are the problems we have made for ourselves.
The Elevator Talk
“So tell me what you do.” A common enough request from a potential colleague who missed a job talk, the leader of an interdisciplinary grant team, a new member of upper administration, a development officer.