Why Americans and Europeans Give Directions Differently
The Atlantic – Cities: One of the charms of Europe is the irregular geography of its city streets. Meanwhile across the Atlantic many major American cities follow a fairly rigid (albeit intuitive) grid system. The
For 49 years, Herb Pick was a scientist and mentor at U
Star Tribune: For nearly half a century, graduate students arriving at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development often were greeted by an unassuming man who helped carry in their boxes. As they settled
HPA Activation Leads to Sex Differences in Spatial Attention
In case you missed it, the cameras were rolling at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC. Watch Melissa VanderKaay Tomasulo from St. Michael’s College present her poster session research. Stressors in your life
Rivalry Without Conflict
Take a gander at this cube. It will probably look weird because your visual system can’t decide how to perceive it. This persistent ambiguity is called visual rivalry, and in the case of the Necker
Head Games: How Visual Illusions Improve Sports Performance
TIME: It’s that time of year again. March Madness is around the corner and athletes — and inspired fans — are aiming to improve their performance on the court. It turns out, the secret to
Get Me Out of this Slump! Visual Illusions Improve Sports Performance
One way players might be able to improve their chances at making key shots is by tricking themselves into thinking the goal, the basket, or the target is bigger than it really is.