From Karen to Katie —Using Baby Names to Understand Cultural Evolution
From Top 40 hits to baby names, styles change and fashions evolve over time. While the latest fad may seem arbitrary, new research suggests that basic psychological processes can explain why some things become popular.
Your Complicated Amygdala: Why Brain-Imaging Work Is Misleading
The Atlantic: Brain-imaging studies have been painting an overly-simplistic picture of the how the brain works. It has even filtered into TV programming. In one episode of a popular legal drama, a character claimed to
The Amygdala And Fear Are Not The Same Thing
In a 2007 episode of the television show Boston Legal, a character claimed to have figured out that a cop was racist because his amygdala activated – displaying fear, when they showed him pictures of
The male paradox
Calgary Herald: Disturbing male-oriented crime stories were all over the news in 2011. So-called honour killings in Ontario. An Edmonton filmmaker convicted of a lethal luring that mimicked his film script. The allegations of torture
Who’s Wealthy? Beyond Net Worth, Asset and Debt Levels Change Our Perceptions
Will borrowing money to buy a new car make you feel richer? It depends on your net worth, says a new study in Psychological Science, a journal published by the Association for Psychological Science. “People’s
Majority Groups Support Assimilation—Except When They’re Not Majorities
People’s views on assimilation–adopting the ways of the majority group–are fluid and contextual, depending on the role their group occupies in a particular environment.