Too Big or Just Right? Optimal Circle of Friends Depends on Socioeconomic Conditions
Some people like to have a few close friends, while others prefer a wider social circle that is perhaps less deep. Research suggests that the optimal approach may depend on socioeconomic conditions.
Hurricane You
Slate: Hurricane Sandy charged into the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States today. Sandy isn’t exactly a common name these days. How can you get a tropical storm named after yourself? Lobby the National Weather Service.
At The Intersection of Culture and Mental Health
When it comes to mental health issues, Joseph P. Gone of the University of Michigan says that many American Indians prefer traditional therapies over therapies with European roots. This is a concern because US tribes
New Research on Personality and Emotional Development From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on personality and emotional development published in Psychological Science. Birth-Cohort Effects in the Association Between Personality and Fertility Markus Jokela The birth rate in many countries has been declining. To
Ein Hurrikan macht Mode
ORF Austria: Laut Statistik Austria sind Lukas und Anna die aktuell beliebtesten Vornamen in Österreich. Eine Studie zeigt: Popularität und Klang sind eng verwoben, die Namensmode folgt langfristigen Trends. Diese werden bisweilen sogar von Wirbelstürmen
Anticipating baby name trends
Today’s Parent: Everyone loves looking up baby name lists, right? Whether or not you are expecting, it’s always fun to see what trends baby name experts are predicting for the coming year. But did you