Regression Toward the Mean
When Victor Nell attends a social function and has to say what he does for a living, he says he is professor emeritus of psychology at the University of South Africa. But during Adolph Eichmann’s*
The Science Behind Secrets
In the latest season of The Sopranos, the character Vito Spatafore, a mob captain in Tony Soprano’s crew, takes a gun to a remote motel, giving the impression he might kill himself. The reason for
Sports Complex: The Science Behind Fanatic Behavior
Only one month after April 3rd’s opening day, baseball fans from Boston to Oakland are beginning to hear a familiar cry: “Yankees suck!” These words — chanted in unison, with clapping hands and stomping feet
4th SPSP Conference: ‘Comfortable Environment’ Open to All Practitioners
SPSP Conference Got Start at APS Convention The first free-standing Society for Personality and Social Psychology convention was in 1991 as an affiliate meeting held in conjunction with the American Psychological Society Annual Convention in
Warsaw School Emphasizes Better Living Through Social Psychology
Few in the United States know it, but a quiet revolution took place in Warsaw, Poland, on September 23, 2001. On the front lines were 200 men and women, mostly twentysomethings, bearing freshly-minted Master’s degrees
Persuasion and the ‘Poison Parasite’
A great deal of psychology research has focused on the mechanics and effects of persuasion. But what about the flip side: What techniques and strategies do we have to resist persuasion when it is unwelcome?