‘There’s a Temptation to Lump Octogenarians Together’: What You Should Know About Work and Aging-Brain Health
In the upper echelons of politics, there’s no shortage of men and women working well past the conventional retirement age. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who turns 90 next month, has said she won’t seek reelection in Visit Page
Psychology’s Role in the Criminalization of Blackness
Podcast: Evan Auguste and Steven Kasparek examine how psychology has contributed to anti-Blackness within psychological research, criminal justice, and mental health, and what scientists and practitioners can do to interrupt the criminalization of Blackness and redefine psychology’s relationship with justice. Visit Page
Want to Make a Change? Conjure Your ‘Possible Selves.’
Years ago, as a young business reporter, I interviewed an advertising executive who ran a fast-food chain account. I was there to ask about the latest campaign. But when I sat down, he wanted to talk Visit Page
People in the U.S. Think They Are Better Than They Actually Are. People in Asia Don’t
How competent are you, compared with your colleagues? When psychologists approach teams of coworkers with variations of this question, an interesting pattern emerges. If people have a truly realistic perspective of their abilities, then their Visit Page
How Gen Z Changed Its Views on Gender
When I talked to teens for my book iGen in 2015 and 2016, most were skeptical about transgender identities. “They’re just confused,” said one. Another said, “They weren’t born that way. I feel like they’re denying their Visit Page
Combating the ‘Microstress’ That Causes Burnout
Have you had days that exhaust you extraordinarily without any particular reason why? There’s no traumatic event or unpleasant encounter that stands out, no urgent work deadline or health issue weighing on you, nothing hovering Visit Page