James Pennebaker and the Power of Physical Markers in Social Research
APS’s incoming president describes the lessons and impacts of his research in social psychology. Visit Page
Buy Happiness—by Giving Your Money Away
Next time you’re feeling stressed, try giving some money away. Generosity is a powerful drug even in small doses. Donations to a worthy cause or acts of kindness to friends give your mind and body Visit Page
How to Win Elections: Evidence-Based Principles of Effective Persuasion
I can read your mind. I see your worried spirit. I sense that, when assessing today’s U.S. political divide and voter sentiments, you feel astonished at what so many others believe and embrace. If only Visit Page
Programs to Prevent Sexual Violence Show No Evidence of Curbing Assaults
Sexual violence prevention programs effectively change ideas and beliefs that underscore assaults, but show no evidence of reducing their actual occurrence, according to a new analysis published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest. Visit Page
As More People Choose the Single Life, Researchers Ask: Are They Happier?
Nastasha Streiling says even though she’d like a relationship, she’s happy being single. The 28-year-old, who lives in Victoria, says she’s “not going to be with someone unless it enhances things.” She’s part of a growing number Visit Page
Why Americans Suddenly Stopped Hanging Out
In its earliest decades, the United States was celebrated for its citizens’ extroversion. Americans weren’t just setting out to build new churches and new cities. Their associations were, as Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, “of a Visit Page