Study: How Well Do You Know Your Best Friend?
TIME: How often do you fight with your best friend? Your answer is likely related to how well you know her “triggers” — the things that really set her off. For instance, do needy people
New Study Highlights Gender Differences in Depression
Depression erodes intimate relationships. A depressed person can be withdrawn, needy, or hostile—and give little back. But there’s another way that depression isolates partners from each other. It chips away at the ability to perceive
How Well Do You Know Your Friends?
Some people know their friends’ triggers well; others have almost no idea what set their friends off. Research suggests that this difference has a noticeable impact on the relationship.
Good Manners May Be a Pact to Reduce Physical Effort
U.S. News & World Report (HealthDay): Not only is holding the door open for others a nice gesture, it’s also a nod to the physical effort of those involved, researchers report. Their study, to be
More Reasons to Be Nice: It’s Less Work for Everyone
A polite act shows respect. But a new study of a common etiquette—holding a door for someone—suggests that courtesy may have a more practical, though unconscious, shared motivation: to reduce the work for those involved.
Am I Safe Here?: How People With HIV/AIDS Perceive Hidden Prejudices in Their Communities
People in marginalized groups, such as the disabled or racial minorities, feel stigmatized—condemned, feared, or excluded—when other people stigmatize them. That’s obvious. But they can also feel stigma when nobody blatantly discriminates against them or