Grumpy old gorilla apes aging human males
The Globe and Mail: “For the past 100 years or so, psychologists have supported the notion that all humans have the same set of basic biological emotions,” says Psych Central News. “But a new paper
Was Darwin Wrong About Emotions?
Contrary to what many psychological scientists think, people do not all have the same set of biologically “basic” emotions, and those emotions are not automatically expressed on the faces of those around us, according to
How We Assign Blame for Corporate Crimes
Yahoo! Canada: Whether the public blames Wall Street or its bankers for bad decisions depends a lot on the group’s level of cohesion as well as its mindfulness, or ability to “think,” suggests a new
Babies Picky About Who They Imitate
LiveScience: Babies are famous for copying adults, but a new study shows that little ones carefully choose whether to imitate an adult’s actions based on how credible they think the adult is. For example, if
The First Step to Change: Focusing On the Negative
If you want people to change the current system, or status quo, first you have to get them to notice what’s wrong with it. That’s the idea behind a new study to be published in
Verstehen braucht mehr als Worte
ORF Austria: Zwei aktuelle Studien betonen die wichtige Rolle des körperlichen Kontextes, beim Begreifen von Inhalten sowie bei der Wahrnehmung von Gesichtsausdrücken. Breites Ausdrucksrepertoire Sich mitteilen und einander zu verstehen, ist das Kernziel jeglicher zwischenmenschlichen