Beautiful People Favor Conformity
LiveScience: Does being beautiful on the outside make you beautiful on the inside? Not necessarily, although attractive women are often thought to have more desirable personality traits in the eyes of strangers, new research shows.
Calling Miss Congeniality – Do Attractive People Have Attractive Traits and Values?
We’ve all been warned not to “judge a book by its cover,” but inevitably we do it anyway. It’s difficult to resist the temptation of assuming that a person’s outward appearance reflects something meaningful about
The Ugly Values of Beautiful People
Pacific Standard: The beautiful are different from you and me. But not in the ways we think. That’s the conclusion of new research from Israel, which confirms the truism that we idealize attractive people, and
Study Shows Baldness Can Be a Business Advantage
The Wall Street Journal: Up for a promotion? If you’re a man, you might want to get out the clippers. Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine, dominant and, in some cases
New Research on Social Cognition From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on social cognition published in Psychological Science. Reading Between the Minds: The Use of Stereotypes in Empathic Accuracy Karyn L. Lewis, Sara D. Hodges, Sean M. Laurent, Sanjay Srivastava, and
Accord bancal (Wobbly Agreement)
Le Monde: Le fauteuil du supérieur hiérarchique, ou de celui qui est en position de client potentiel, doit être non seulement plus profond, doté d’un dossier plus imposant, mais aussi d’une assise plus élevée que