Understanding Cultural Differences Around Social Norms
Q: Societies have norms which you’ve described as tight or loose—what does it mean for norms to be tight or loose, and how is that put into practice? Today more than ever, we need to understand
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring reciprocity in early development and links between intentional forgetting and working memory resources.
Caring about tomorrow
About 70 percent of Americans believe that the climate is changing, most acknowledge that this change reflects human activity, and more than two-thirds think it will harm future generations. Unless we dramatically alter our way of life
You 2.0: Rebel With A Cause
A few years ago, social scientist Francesca Gino was browsing the shelves at a bookstore when she came across an unusual-looking book in the cooking section: Never Trust a Skinny Italian Chef by Massimo Bottura. The recipes in it
Renewing the New Normal
APS Fellow Betsy Levy Paluck demonstrates how the influential power of social norms can be channeled toward the greater good.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring creativity during mind wandering, object representation in infants’ working memory, and factors that influence cultural adaptation.