The Psychology of Oversharing Facebook Couples
The Atlantic: Okay, so maybe you don’t want to know the nickname that girl from your high school has given her new paramour, just like you don’t particularly want to know the color of the daisies he
A Meet-Cute of Professional Networking and Online Dating
The New York Times: Work and romance may seem like a bad combination, but as more work, and more romance, goes online, the two are meeting in interesting ways. LinkedUp is one startup banking on a version
Facebook’s new friends: Researchers studying you
USA TODAY: Whether or not Big Brother is watching your every move, data scientists certainly are. The lure of billions of individuals of all ages on social media means the eyes of research are more
Networking Style May Predict Profits for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship is a risky endeavor. Of all new firms, around one-third will close within the first two years and over half will have closed within their first four years. However, one thing that has been
These Are Twitter’s Biggest Secrets
TIME: What makes us follow, fave, share and—most importantly—keep coming back When I choose someone new to follow, when I compose a new tweet, when I share and favorite an update, I seldom think about
The New Yorker: It’s no secret that social media can affect your mood, making you experience certain feelings based on the information you see and the people you interact with. Those feelings are one of the