New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring neural processes underlying attention, collective emotions and resilience, and group-based deprivation and extremist beliefs.
Longitudinal Data Show No Evidence of Teens’ Social Media Use Leading to Depression
Longitudinal data from adolescents and young adults show no evidence that social media use predicts later depressive symptoms.
How Smartphones Are Affecting Our Relationships
The allure of smartphones, and their impact on our relationships, might be the result of our evolutionary history, researchers suggest.
This Is Your Brain Off Facebook
The world’s most common digital habit is not easy to break, even in a fit of moral outrage over the privacy risks and political divisions Facebook has created, or amid concerns about how the habit
Data Show No Evidence That Teens’ Social Media Use Predicts Depression Over Time
Longitudinal data from adolescents and young adults show no evidence that social media use predicts later depressive symptoms.
Could this be the cure for fake news?
For decades, medicine has provided us with an easy way to prevent diseases: vaccines. Most of us are familiar with how a vaccine works – it exposes our bodies to weakened versions of a virus