Awkward! New Study Examines our Gazes During Potentially Offensive Behavior
It’s happened to all of us: While sitting at the conference table or at dinner party, a friend or colleague unleashes a questionable remark that could offend at least one person amongst the group. A Visit Page
Proportion of Kindergarten Classmates with Day Care Experience Matters, Study Shows
The debate over the effects of putting young children into child care outside the home has been brewing for years. Previous studies on the impact of child care report mixed findings. Children who are taken Visit Page
They All Look the Same: Why we are Unable to Distinguish Faces of Other Races (and Sometimes Our Own)
There’s a troubling psychological phenomenon that just about everyone has experienced but few will admit to; having difficulty distinguishing between people of different racial groups. This isn’t merely a nod to the denigrating expression “they Visit Page
The Perks and Pitfalls of Pride
Pride has perplexed philosophers and theologians for centuries, and it is an especially paradoxical emotion in American culture. We applaud rugged individualism, self-reliance and personal excellence, but too much pride can easily tip the balance Visit Page
Your Mom was Wrong: Horseplay is an Important Part of Development
Playground roughhousing has long been a tradition of children and adolescents, much to the chagrin of several generations of parents who worry that their child will be hurt or worse, become accustom to violence and Visit Page
How do I Love Me? New Study Presents a Twist on the Conventional Narcissist.
A brush with a narcissist’s inflated ego often leaves one reeling with resentment. Whether it is their constant need for attention or their unfounded sense of entitlement, we are often quick to attribute their shallow Visit Page