Psychedelic Research Reborn: Opening the Doors of Creativity and Social Connection
A resurgence of research into psychedelics has renewed interest in their potential impact on creativity and social connectedness. Visit Page
It’s Gotten Awkward to Wear a Mask
Last week, just a couple of hours into a house-sitting stint in Massachusetts for my cousin and his wife, I received from them a flummoxed text: “Dude,” it read. “We are the only people in Visit Page
How to Show Your Friends You Love Them, According to a Friendship Expert
When psychologist and friendship expert Marisa Franco went through a rough breakup in 2015, she felt like she had no more love in her life. So Franco leaned on her friends for support. They did Visit Page
How Rude? Dealing With the Big #@$%! Changes in Workplace Etiquette
The old rules of business etiquette are in big bleeping trouble. Ghosting is on the rise, with some workers not even showing up for their first day. Those who do stay are texting during meetings Visit Page
Go Ahead, Ask For Help. People Are Happy to Give It.
Many things can get in the way of asking others for help: Fear of rejection. Fear of imposing. The pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps mythology so ingrained in American culture. But new research suggests many of us underestimate how Visit Page
Text Your Friends. It Matters More Than You Think.
Calling, texting or emailing a friend just to say “hello” might seem like an insignificant gesture — a chore, even, that isn’t worth the effort. Or maybe you worry an unexpected check-in wouldn’t be welcome Visit Page