Power Can Literally Go to Your Head
Power, whether in the form of a big promotion or other rewards, may result in some cognitive pitfalls, including diminished empathy.
Trust in Leaders, Sense of Belonging Stir People to Safeguard Common Goods, Analysis Shows
A team of researchers share scientific findings on conditions that foster cooperative use of common resources, ranging from drinking water to public television.
Connect With Someone In A Second Flat
Prevention: Faking a grin reduces stress, but research recently published in Psychological Science reveals that people respond to the real thing instinctively, often reacting with true smiles of their own subconsciously. UK researchers found that
The Morality of Meditation
The New York Times: MEDITATION is fast becoming a fashionable tool for improving your mind. With mounting scientific evidence that the practice can enhance creativity, memory and scores on standardized intelligence tests, interest in its
Putting a Little Personality Into Social Psychology (and Vice-Versa)
The personal and the social intertwine inextricably. In a 2011 paper published in the European Journal of Personality, a group of psychological scientists note that when we talk about an individual’s personality, part of what
People Anticipate Others’ Genuine Smiles, But Not Polite Smiles
Smile and the world smiles with you — but new research suggests that not all smiles are created equal. The research shows that people actually anticipate smiles that are genuine but not smiles that are