Geteiltes Leid ist doppeltes Leid (Shared pain is double suffering)
Sueddeutsche: Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid? Im Gegenteil. Der angenudelte Spruch sollte dringend eine Auffrischung erfahren und künftig korrekt so lauten: Geteiltes Leid ist doppeltes Leid. Gut möglich, dass dieser Vorschlag die Zustimmung der drei
Study Suggests ‘Extraordinary Experiences’ Might Make You Feel Bad
The Huffington Post: Many people seek out extraordinary experiences throughout their lifetimes. If they didn’t, recreational activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, zorbing and mountain climbing wouldn’t exist. However, a new study published in the journal Psychological
Buy Experiences, Not Things
The Atlantic: Forty-seven percent of the time, the average mind is wandering. It wanders about a third of the time while a person is reading, talking with other people, or taking care of children. It
Scientific Proof That No One Cares About Your Awesome Vacation
New York Magazine: If you’ve even traveled a little bit, you know this is true: People who can’t relate to your trip hiking the Inca Trail, or wine tasting in Tuscany, or Zorbing in New
New Online Media, Old Human Behavior
The Wall Street Journal: “I’m open to new things, but I’m worried for my children’s generation. They’re consumed. They don’t play outdoors or spend time with friends anymore. The nuances of face-to-face communication have been
Kids Get Better Grades When They Share Similarities With Teachers
The Atlantic: The teacher-student relationship impacts every aspect of the educational experience. When students don’t feel safe, respected, or truly known by their teacher, they are less likely to invest and engage in their education.