Giving Brings Its Own Rewards
As children, we are often told by our parents that it is better to give than to receive; that we will get more enjoyment, fulfillment, and happiness from giving to others than from taking for Visit Page
Are Teenagers Getting Less Lonely?
The New York Times: At a time when many say loneliness is increasing in America, a new study offers what seems like hopeful news: Teenagers, at least, may be less lonely than they used to be. But some Visit Page
Thanksgiving and Gratitude: The Science of Happier Holidays
The Wall Street Journal: As the holiday shopping season moves into high gear, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of spending. But consider this conclusion from recent scientific research: Materialistic people are Visit Page
Study Shows Riding The Quiet Car Is Crushing Your Spirit
NPR: An experiment in Chicago randomly assigned train and bus riders to either talk to the stranger next to them or commute quietly. The result? Even for introverts, silence leaves you sadder. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST Visit Page
This is what powerful people sound like
CBS News: What do you think of when you conjure the sound of a powerful voice? Something deep, loud, booming, most likely. According to a recent study in the journal Psychological Science, the sounds of Visit Page
Have You Heard? Gossip Is Actually Good and Useful
The Atlantic: While gossiping is a behavior that has long been frowned upon, perhaps no one has frowned quite so intensely as the 16th- and 17th-century British. Back then, gossips, or “scolds” were sometimes forced Visit Page