Yours or Mine? How We Handle Objects Depends on Who Owns Them
From scissors and staplers to car keys and cell phones, we pass objects to other people every day. We often try to pass the objects so that the handle or other useful feature is facing Visit Page
Loneliness can be depressing, but it may have helped humans survive
The Washington Post: Loneliness not only feels nasty, it can also make you depressed, shatter your sleep, even kill you. Yet scientists think loneliness evolved because it was good for us. It still is — Visit Page
Taking a Dog’s-Eye View of Social Interaction
As many dog owners will likely attest, dogs appear to have pretty sophisticated social skills. Not only can they learn verbal commands, they can also follow a person’s gaze and respond to nonverbal signals, including pointing. But Visit Page
How Friends and Personalities Mix
Researchers examine links between participants’ Big Five personality traits, their personality state when interacting with friends, and the quality and quantity of their interactions with friends. Visit Page
Going the Distance: Babies Reach Farther With Adults Around
Eight-month-old infants are much more likely to reach towards distant toys when an adult is present than when they are by themselves, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Visit Page
Stop over-posting your vacation photos
The Boston Globe: You’re doing it all wrong. The cliché photo of your feet near a pool or on the beach? Wrong. Constant check-ins and photo updates on Facebook when you’re out of town for Visit Page