To Appear More Intimidating, Just Tilt Your Head Down, Study Suggests
Facial expression can convey a staggering amount of information—not just what kind of mood a person is in or real-time emotional reactions, but also more complex concepts like dominance and subservience. But a new study Visit Page
Downward Head Tilt Can Make People Seem More Dominant
We draw social inferences from not only facial features but from the position of the head itself, research shows. Visit Page
How to have better conversations with people you’ve just met, according to science
Think of the last conversation you had with someone you didn’t know. Did certain moments feel awkward? Did you find the other person interesting? Did the other person find you interesting? Were you glad you Visit Page
We Gossip About 52 Minutes A Day. That May Not Be As Toxic As It Sounds
Almost everyone gossips. And a new study finds that people spend about 52 minutes per day, on average, talking to someone about someone else who is not present. But here’s the surprise: Despite the assumption Visit Page
How We Roll: Study Shows We’re More Lone Wolves Than Team Players
What credo would you choose: “Share and share alike?” or “To each his own”? The choice doesn’t relate only to material goods or socialism versus capitalism. It can also reflect attitudes about how we solve Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring neural processes underlying attention, collective emotions and resilience, and group-based deprivation and extremist beliefs. Visit Page