Hugs help protect against the common cold, research finds
PBS: Flu season is upon us, and doctors are predicting that this year’s epidemic could be especially severe. What steps are you taking to protect yourself from disease this winter? Stocking up on hand sanitizer? Visit Page
How to Train Your Voice to Be More Charismatic
The Wall Street Journal: Scientists are tuning in on the power of the spoken word, seeking the secrets of charisma. By analyzing the harmonics of pitch, frequency and timbre, researchers at University of California, Los Visit Page
A Persuasive Chart Showing How Persuasive Charts Are
The New York Times: Here at The Upshot, we love charts. And I have a chart to explain why. But first, some background. In a study recently published in the journal “Public Understanding of Science,” two Cornell researchers, Brian Wansinkand Aner Tal, ran Visit Page
Short Course in Obesity Research
A 5-day short course on “Strengthening Causal Inference in Behavioral Obesity Research” will be hosted at the University of Alabama at Birmingham from July 20, 2015–July 24, 2015. Identifying causal relations among variables is fundamental Visit Page
How to Get in Shape Using Psychology: 6 New Tricks From Research
Time: Why is there an obesity epidemic? It’s not because we eat the wrong things or we lack exercise. Research shows that, plain and simple, most of us just eat too much: “Reported consumption increased by Visit Page
Schon Zweijährige unterliegen dem Gruppenzwang (Even two year olds are subject to peer pressure)
Die Welt: Wenn Kleinkinder auf dem Spielplatz erfolglos versuchen, auf ein hohes Klettergerüst zu kommen, dann haben sie recht schnell eine Idee, wie das Problem zu lösen ist: einfach mal gucken, wie die anderen Kinder Visit Page