Why we like to narrate stories to others
The Times of India: People often share stories, news, and information with the people around them. Now, a new study has found that why is certain content shared more than others and what drives people Visit Page
Helping orchid kids blossom
Alive: An “orchid child” is one who dislikes change, notices subtle smells or emotions, and usually does well on tests but may fail if being watched. If you’re the parent of a sensitive child like Visit Page
Friday the 13th: somewhere between religion and superstition
The Washington Post: Of all the traditional Western superstitions, Friday the 13th has the strongest connection to religion and the Christian faith in particular. Over the years, there have been a variety of theories of Visit Page
Hey, You’re Wearing Me Out!
I used to jog a fair bit, and when I did I loved having a regular running partner. It’s not that I’m undisciplined, but his company nudged me to run just a bit farther or Visit Page
Is That What You Think? My Brain Agrees
Have you caught yourself conforming to your friends’ opinions? A new study published in Psychological Science found conformity to social norms happens even in our brains! When people change their opinions to conform to social Visit Page
Asch Lives On
Think you are immune to peer pressure, but APS Fellow and Charter Member Anthony Pratkanis shows that 60 years later people still cave under social pressure. Check out this replication of the famous “Asch Paradigm.” Visit Page