Close Enough: The Lure Of Living Through Others
It used to be that if you wanted to feel what it was like to do something, you had to go out and do it. If your dream was to see the Grand Canyon from Visit Page
Superman May Inspire Altruistic Behavior
For all their box-office success, superheroes haven’t gotten much respect of late. A 2017 study reported that preschoolers who identify with superheroes tend to be more aggressive than their peers. Numerous pop-culture commentators, including Bill Maher, argue Visit Page
MacArthur “genius” Kristina Olson created the first long-term study of transgender children
It’s been a pretty good year for University of Washington psychologist Kristina Olson. She became the first psychologist (and the first UW scientist) to receive the National Science Foundation’s prestigious $1 million Waterman award, and Visit Page
Google is using peer pressure to help cities save energy
With climate change on many minds, cities around the world have affirmed their dedication to improving sustainability efforts. To help with that, Google recently unveiled the Environmental Insights Explorer, which overlays emissions data and efficiency analyses Visit Page
Around the World, People Have Surprisingly Modest Notions of the Ideal Life
Rather than being “maximizers,” people seem to aspire to moderate ideal levels of traits, such as pleasure, intelligence, personal freedom, and longevity. Visit Page
Group norms influence individual self-control in children
Those participants who were told their group members were patient ended up waiting almost twice as long for a second marshmallow as the others Visit Page