Who Influences Your Vote? It May Depend on How Soon the Election Is
Neighbors’ lawn signs, public opinion polls and even a conversation in the next restaurant booth can affect how people vote in an election. But it all depends on how far away the election is.
Learning the Wrong Lessons
Inside Higher Ed: Here is the lesson people want to learn from the Penn State scandal: There are some smarmy folks out there who, through a combination of mindless groupthink and fear of antagonizing important
Psychologie: Der Kompass des Bösen (Psychology: The compass of evil)
ORF Austria: Mehr als 50 Jahre ist es her, dass der US-Psychologe Stanley Milgram die Barbarei zum wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungsgegenstand erklärt hat. Forscher bieten nun eine Neuinterpretation seiner klassischen Experimente an: Grausam wird der Mensch nicht
Social Identification, Not Obedience, Might Motivate Unspeakable Acts
What makes soldiers abuse prisoners? How could Nazi officials condemn thousands of Jews to gas chamber deaths? What’s going on when underlings help cover up a financial swindle? For years, researchers have tried to identify
‘Weapons of persuasion’ from Robert Cialdini
Los Angeles Times: Mitt Romney on the stump, singles at the bar, car salesmen on the lot: All sorts of people are practicing the art of persuasion, with varying degrees of success. We like to
Going the Distance: Stereotypes and Hard Work
The Huffington Post: I plead guilty to trading in stereotypes once in a while. For example, I’ve somehow gotten the idea that East Africans are especially good distance runners, and I think I’ve even said