Is Violence History?
The New York Times: It is unusual for the subtitle of a book to undersell it, but Steven Pinker’s “Better Angels of Our Nature” tells us much more than why violence has declined. Pinker, a
Why Does Conflict Arise When Social Identity is Threatened?
Facing news of economic decline in the US and loss of international status may motivate opposition to actions that seem to compromise American group identity.
Non voters
CBC The Homestretch: In the recent PC leadership vote, Gary Mar emerged as the clear favourite, but many registered PC voters stayed home that day. Mar’s team is hoping that if those party members come
BFFing yourself: People pick friends just like themselves
TODAY Health: Ever wonder what your friends see in you? It might just be themselves, according to new research published in the scientific social psychology journal Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. “When you have opportunity
In a Married World, Singles Struggle for Attention
The New York Times: Here’s a September celebration you probably didn’t know about: It’s National Single and Unmarried Americans Week. But maybe celebration isn’t the right word. Social scientists and researchers say the plight of
Something for the weekend
Financial Times: We are all familiar with the pain of rejection – not being invited to a party, or being excluded in a conversation. Now a psychology academic and an assistant professor of management and