La douleur renforce la cohésion dans le groupe
Slate France: Partager une expérience douloureuse peut créer un sentiment de solidarité au sein d’un groupe, rapporte une étude publiée dans Psychological Science. En effet, la douleur pourrait avoir des conséquences sociales positives car elle agit «comme une sorte Visit Page
The Bonding Power of Shared Suffering
Pacific Standard: Managers: Are you having trouble melding your employees into a cohesive group? Is getting them to trust and cooperate with one another proving to be a challenge? Well, newly published research offers an effective, if Visit Page
Shared Pain Brings People Together
What doesn’t kill us may make us stronger as a group, according to findings from new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The research suggests that, despite its Visit Page
When the Whites of the Eyes are Red or Yellow
The eye provides a rich variety of information about normal and abnormal behavior and health, as noted by Scott Sleek in “Eye-Tuned” in the May/June 2014 Observer. Cues about the color of the sclera (the Visit Page
Group Identity Emphasized More by Those Who Just Make the Cut
People and institutions who are marginal members of a high-status or well-esteemed group tend to emphasize their group membership more than those who are squarely entrenched members of the group, according to new research published Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Moral Ties That Bind . . . Even to Out-Groups: The Interactive Effect of Moral Identity and the Binding Moral Foundations Isaac H. Smith, Karl Aquino Visit Page