Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Edited by C. Nathan DeWall and David G. Myers Aimed at integrating cutting-edge psychological science into the classroom, Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science offers advice and how-to guidance about teaching a particular area of Visit Page
NASA Exercise: Ranking Survival Objects for the Moon
NASA Exercise Instructions Group members should be instructed to rank the objects individually (–10 min) and then in groups (15 min.). In the group part of the exercise, all groups should be instructed to employ Visit Page
How to Become the Smartest Group in the Room
You’re a manager tasked with putting together a team to tackle a new project. What qualities do you look for in creating such a crack team? Research from psychological scientists Anita Williams Woolley (Carnegie Mellon Visit Page
Teens Take Fewer Risks Around Slightly Older Adults
Adolescents are known risk takers, especially when they’re surrounded by same-aged peers. But new research suggests that being in a group that includes just one slightly older adult might decrease teens’ propensity to engage in Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Evolutionary Basis of Honor Cultures Andrzej Nowak, Michele J. Gelfand, Wojciech Borkowski, Dov Cohen, and Ivan Hernandez In honor cultures, people often fight to defend their Visit Page
Power and Punishment: The Rules of Leadership Are Not Universal
When employees are late for work, breaking safety procedures, or ignoring deadlines, it’s part of the boss’s job to dole out the appropriate punishment. Nobody wants to be disciplined at work, but punishment for breaking Visit Page