Getting a Grip on Reality
How do we learn to distinguish what’s real from our thoughts and imaginings? Experts from fields ranging from cognitive neuroscience to political psychology provide some empirical answers.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring pathways to recognizing facial expressions and spatial congruency effects.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring self-dehumanization and moral behavior, reading skills in children at risk of dyslexia, and prosocial predictions by bottlenose dolphins.
Why Some People Get Little Pleasure From Social Interaction
Social interaction is considered to be such an important contributor to physical and mental well-being that individuals who show relatively low drive for and pleasure from interacting with others are sometimes given a clinical diagnosis
How Visuospatial Perspective Taking Creates Shared Meaning
Visuospatial perspective (VSP) taking facilitates interactions not only by allowing us to account for whether someone can see an object but also how that object appears from their point of view.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring political preferences and self-concept, joint action in marmoset monkeys, serial processing in word recognition, and cognitive processing of asymmetric mixtures.