Kids Just Wanna Be Helpful
Pacific Standard: There’s a school of thought that considers young children essentially pure. “All things are good as their creator made them,” wrote philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, “but everything degenerates in the hands of men.”
Something for the weekend
Financial Times: While waiting for exam results, or the outcome of a job interview, many of us might catch ourselves bargaining with the universe; in return for exam or job success we promise to become
L’alcol è un “lubrificante” sociale (Alcohol is a social lubricant)
La Stampa: Bere in compagnia fa da collante sociale promuovendo lo scambio di idee, risate, convivenza e socialità. Dà una mano anche ai musoni e ai timidi, sebbene l’abuso sia pericoloso. Lo studio L’alcol rompe
The Psychology of Heroism: Why Some People Leap in Front of Bullets
TIME: On Aug. 5, when a gunman drove to a Sikh temple outside Milwaukee and started shooting his 9-mm handgun, some ran and some leapt to stop him. One of the six who died was
The Science of Choosing Compassion
Huffington Post: As I walk down bustling Franklin Street in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, I often pass homeless people who ask me for spare change. Sometimes I let myself feel compassion for these individuals. But
The Karmic Connection: Do We Expect Good Fortune After Helping Others?
The Huffington Post: In general, what goes around comes around. If you’re nice to people, good things come your way, but if you’re jagoff, look out (or, as I like to say, “don’t put shit