Something for the weekend
Financial Times: While waiting for exam results, or the outcome of a job interview, many of us might catch ourselves bargaining with the universe; in return for exam or job success we promise to become
L’alcol è un “lubrificante” sociale (Alcohol is a social lubricant)
La Stampa: Bere in compagnia fa da collante sociale promuovendo lo scambio di idee, risate, convivenza e socialità. Dà una mano anche ai musoni e ai timidi, sebbene l’abuso sia pericoloso. Lo studio L’alcol rompe
The Psychology of Heroism: Why Some People Leap in Front of Bullets
TIME: On Aug. 5, when a gunman drove to a Sikh temple outside Milwaukee and started shooting his 9-mm handgun, some ran and some leapt to stop him. One of the six who died was
The Science of Choosing Compassion
Huffington Post: As I walk down bustling Franklin Street in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, I often pass homeless people who ask me for spare change. Sometimes I let myself feel compassion for these individuals. But
The Karmic Connection: Do We Expect Good Fortune After Helping Others?
The Huffington Post: In general, what goes around comes around. If you’re nice to people, good things come your way, but if you’re jagoff, look out (or, as I like to say, “don’t put shit
Learning the Wrong Lessons
Inside Higher Ed: Here is the lesson people want to learn from the Penn State scandal: There are some smarmy folks out there who, through a combination of mindless groupthink and fear of antagonizing important