Polluted Air May Pollute Our Morality
Data from archival and experimental studies indicate that exposure to air pollution, either physically or mentally, is linked with unethical behavior such as crime and cheating.
Studying First Impressions: What to Consider?
First impressions are long-lasting. This familiar phrase indicates one of the many reasons that studying people’s first impressions is critical for social psychologists. Any information about a person, from her physical properties to her nonverbal
Probing the Good in Bad Behavior
Some human conduct widely considered to be nasty or harmful, such as objectification and gossiping, may have some beneficial features after all, according to a stream of recent behavioral studies.
College Branding Makes Beer More Salient to Underage Students
Marketing that uses university colors and logos can enhance beer brands’ salience, which may impact student drinking.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring various aspects of visual perception, including processing of symmetrical objects, origins of automatic imitation, and perceiving the gist of a scene.
Women Warm Up Faster to Gay Men Than Straight Guys, Study Suggests
Discussing matters of the heart can be the start of something beautifully platonic between the sexes – so long as the male isn’t interested in more.