Study: Not Getting Enough Sleep Can Lead to False Memories
Mashable: A lack of sleep may cause you to develop memories of events that never actually happened, according to a new study from researchers at Michigan State University and the University of California, Irvine. Stephen Visit Page
Poco sonno induce falsi ricordi (Little sleep inducing false memories)
La Stampa: La vita frenetica vi costringe a dormire sempre meno? Sappiate che stanchezza, debolezza e nervosismo potrebbero non essere gli unici problemi cui potreste incappare.Secondo una recente ricerca pubblicata su Psychological Science – una rivista della Association for Visit Page
All-Nighters Could Alter Your Memories
Scientific American: People who don’t get enough sleep could be increasing their risk of developing false memories, a new study finds. In the study, when researchers compared the memory of people who’d had a good Visit Page
How All-Nighters Alter Your Memories
Live Science: People who don’t get enough sleep could be increasing their risk of developing false memories, a new study finds. In the study, when researchers compared the memory of people who’d had a good Visit Page
The 9-to-5 workday is practically an invitation to ethical lapses. Here’s why.
The Washington Post: Do you consider yourself an ethical person? Chances are you answered “yes,” but new research suggests that our ability to act honestly in a given situation is dependent, in part, on the time Visit Page
Sleep Deprivation May Increase Susceptibility to False Memories
Not getting enough sleep may increase the likelihood of forming false memories, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. In a study conducted by psychological scientist Steven Visit Page