Always Forgetting Important Things? Here’s How to Fix That, According to Science
Most people, when tasked with remembering something important, jot down a note. But a study published recently in the journal Experimental Aging Research says there may be a better way to keep memories fresh: draw
The 2018–2019 APS Board
Barbara Tversky becomes Board President as Suparna Rajaram moves to Immediate Past President. Lisa Feldman Barrett steps in as President-Elect, and Vonnie C. McLoyd and Maryanne Garry begin terms as Members-at-Large.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring hormones and externalizing behavior in adolescents, source information and working memory, language exposure and brain development, and the gender-equality paradox in STEM.
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
“Not Quite Human: Teaching Students Why Blatant Dehumanization Exists” by
C. Nathan DeWall and “Say It Out Loud: The Production Benefit in Human Memory” by Cindi May and Gil Einstein -
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring educational achievement, personality, and genetics; how multidimensional objects are stored in memory; and categories and constraints in causal perception.
Even Small Distractions Derail Productivity
Interruptions don’t only take up time and increase error rates, they also degrade the overall quality of people’s work.