Throw like a girl? You can do better.
The Washington Post: There’s no way around it. I throw like a girl. Luckily, it’s not difficult to avoid situations in which throwing is required, and I’ve managed to do it successfully my entire adult
Gender Equality Influences How People Choose Their Partners
Men and women clearly have different strategies for picking sexual partners, but the reason why differences exist is less clear. The classic explanation for these differences has been that men’s and women’s brains have evolved
Why your brain sees men as people and women as body parts
Chicago Tribune: The sexual objectification of women isn’t just in your head—it’s in everyone’s. A new study finds that our brains see men as people and women as body parts. The research, published in the
Sexy women’s bodies in ads seen as objects
United Press International: Both men and women see images of sexy women’s bodies in advertisements as objects, but they see sexy-looking men as people, Belgian researchers found. “What’s unclear is, we don’t actually know whether
Advertising: Why we think sexy men are men and sexy women are objects
Toronto Star: Society has grown accustomed to depictions of scantily clad women being used to sell everything from hamburgers to SUVs, now a study has found that at a basic cognitive level, both men and
Frauen erscheinen als Sexobjekte
Der Spiegel: Was sieht jemand beim Blick auf das Foto einer kaum bekleideten oder nackten Frau: einen Menschen oder ein Objekt? Und werden Männer in Badehose oder Unterwäsche anders wahrgenommen? Diesen Fragen sind belgische und