Confidence Is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Youbeauty: Chances are, you have seen the low-confidence death spiral up close at some point in your life. You go to a meeting and someone gets up to give a presentation. He clearly doesn’t have
Au bureau, assumons nos erreurs (How to accept our mistakes)
Le Monde: Lisa Legault, chercheuse en psychologie à l’université Clarkson (Etats-Unis), vient d’en faire la démonstration, avec son équipe. Son article “Préserver son intégrité quand nos performances sont menacées : l’affirmation de soi accroît la
How to Perform in a Clutch
TIME: Life is full of vulnerable moments — occasions when we feel off-balance, unsure of ourselves and our abilities — and in these moments we are likely to perform less well than we might. Social
Why We Don’t See Ourselves as Others Do
Discovery News: In a recent Dove ad, an FBI forensic artist sketched a series of women based purely on the way they described themselves and again as others described them. The artist could only hear
Finding the Just-Right Level of Self-Esteem for a Child
The Wall Street Journal: A wave of recent research has pointed to the risks of overpraising a child. But for parents, drawing the line between too little praise and too much has become a high-pressure
Why You Love That Ikea Table, Even If It’s Crooked
NPR: Have you ever spent a couple of hours working on a craft project — or a presentation for work — and then fallen in love with what you’ve accomplished? Do the colors you’ve picked