Childhood Self-Control Linked to Enhanced Job Prospects Throughout Life
Children with high self-control — who are typically better able to pay attention, persist with difficult tasks, and suppress inappropriate or impulsive behaviors — are much more likely to find and retain employment as adults.
Gratitude: Good for Your Wallet and Your Soul
The Huffington Post: Enticements to consumerism define our society like never before. From our tablets, to our email, to our smartphones, the next advertisement and the next purchase are only a click away. The result?
Temptation in the Neurons
Lack of self-control is at the root of many personal and social ills, from alcoholism to obesity. Even when we are well aware of the costs, many of us are simply unable to curb our
Hard Work, Hard Times: Self-control and Joblessness
The Huffington Post: A big part of parenting is teaching kids self-control. Yes, sugary snacks do taste good, but even so, we shouldn’t eat them too often. Yes, we know that math homework may not
Creating a New Mission Statement
The New York Times: Forget the New Year’s resolution. This year, try creating a personal mission statement instead. While it is common for businesses to define goals and values with mission statements, most people never
Hard Work Or Hard Times?
A big part of parenting is teaching kids self-control. Yes, sugary snacks do taste good, but even so we shouldn’t eat them too often. Yes, we know that math homework may not always be fun