Three Trouble Spots Facing Women in Science—and How We Can Tackle Them
APS Member/Author: Leah H. Somerville Women are pursuing careers in science at rates never seen before, and this growing representation of female voices is truly exciting. Yet we are well aware that the academic community Visit Page
How to Be an Ethical Scientist
APS Member/ Author: Leah H. Somerville True discovery takes time, has many stops and starts, and is rarely neat and tidy. For example, news that the Higgs boson was finally observed in 2012 came 48 Visit Page
Living in Pasteur’s Quadrant
How can psychological researchers balance the need to do basic science with their desire to be relevant to the questions and issues of their time? In his classic book‚ Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Visit Page
Periodic Recertification: Vanquishing the Zombie Theory
The scientific record has been exploding for some time, and there is nothing that will stop that explosion. And why should there be? It is a great thing for smart people to expand the boundaries Visit Page
Science, Trust And Psychology In Crisis
NPR: When I attended my first scientific conference at the tender age of 20, one of my mentors surprised me with the following bit of advice. Transcribed directly from memory: “You should be sure to Visit Page
Karpicke Honored by White House
The White House has announced that Jeffrey D. Karpicke, James V. Bradley Associate Professor at Purdue University, is the recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. The honor, which is the Visit Page