You Know You Want One: Personal Robots Are Coming, But Not Ready For You Yet
NPR: Meet Jake. At 500 pounds, he stands 4 feet 4 four inches tall, with a spine that stretches another foot. He has white urethane skin, a flat head sporting an array of camera lenses
APS Lab Profile: George Mason University Arch Lab
Meet the Scientists! Watch video clips of lab personnel including Raja Parasuraman, Carryl Baldwin, Debbie Boehm-Davis, Matt Peterson, Tyler Shaw, Jim Thompson, and Robert Youmans, as they explain their role and research in the Arch
Behind the Music: Human Factors Rap
The Arch Laboratory at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA is the main research and training facility of the graduate program in Human Factors and Applied Cognition. Arch Lab members conduct research in attention
Crossing Borders to Build a Better Robot
Roberta Klatzky has spent much of her career getting to know robots. Thanks to the Humboldt Research Award, Klatzky, who serves as APS Treasurer, got to experience a new aspect of robotics during her stay
What scientists are doing about creepy CGI humans
msnbc: A century ago, psychologists identified “the uncanny” as an experience that seems familiar yet foreign at the same time, causing some sort of brain confusion and, ultimately, a feeling of fear or repulsion. Originally
Loving the iPhone? Thank Steve Jobs and Human-Computer Interactions
iTechnologies pave the way for new fields of psychological science The late Steve Jobs is considered the Thomas Edison of our time. His innovations not only sold in a down economy, but the technology created