Tempus Really Fugits
Trying to plan my remaining columns, I checked with my editor at the Observer to find out how many more were left to write before turning the Presidential Pen over to my successor. To my Visit Page
Desperately Seeking Phil
It grew gradually throughout the year and reached a thundering crescendo that could no longer be ignored: A column on Dr. Phil. When I started thinking about writing these monthly Observer columns, I asked Visit Page
Collaborations: Elaborations and Celebrations
Befitting the season (February 14 approaches as I write this), this column is a Valentine to collaborations. I want to share some general thoughts about collaborations and to take this opportunity to express my gratitude Visit Page
Basic Research Funding: An Exercise in NIH-ilism
“You don’t need a Roadmap to know which way the wind blows.” – With apologies to B. Dylan This month’s cover story examines funding for basic behavioral research from the perspectives of National Institute of Visit Page
Staffing the 21st Century Psychology Department
Earlier this year our department had a day-long retreat to discuss, among other things, what it might look like if we recreated it from scratch. During a particularly scintillating discussion of the merits of having Visit Page
Mentoring: Reflections on Becoming an Academic Great-Grandparent
Like ships passing in the night (or more like academic conference-goers rushing through a crowded hotel lobby), I recently met my first academic great-grandchild. The encounter was fleeting, the exchange very brief: “I’m a former Visit Page