Department-ism: More Than Just Space Wars
The university is a great place to learn about prejudice — firsthand. The prejudice that I’m talking about is so deeply ingrained in the nature of universities and other large organizations that it is not Visit Page
Good and Evil and Psychological Science
To me, evil means great human destructiveness. Evil can come in an obvious form, such as a genocide. Or it can come in smaller acts of persistent harm doing, the effects of which accumulate, like Visit Page
I was the PSPI Canary
I had the singular privilege of being the team leader for the “juried analysis” published in the inaugural issue of APS’s Psychological Science in the Public Interest (PSPI). Robyn Dawes, John Monahan and I co-authored Visit Page
How to Succeed in College: Learn How to Learn
Assume that you have a younger sibling who is going to be a college freshman next Fall. Assume further that this particular sibling actually believes that you may have learned something – that is, that Visit Page
On Writing About Psychological Science
Recently a friend of mine described me to his colleagues as a “journalist.” My vague irritation at this designation, which even superseded my pleasure at being called a good one, got me to thinking about Visit Page
An Evolutionary Perspective
With apologies in advance to experts on the theory of evolution, I cannot resist adopting an evolutionary perspective on the growth of knowledge and professional structures in psychological science, the young discipline that is the Visit Page